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Blog: MastoAdmin

Towards "Hit By a Bus" #FediAdmin Best Practices

by nev

Over the past several months, numerous large servers run by single individuals have shut down abruptly or made irreversible moderation decisions. A few have been widely defederated after it became apparent the admin went AWOL and stopped updating the software and moderating.

In my opinion, a major factor in these events is servers growing too fast for the existing mod/admin team to manage, and it's important for admins to set some ground rules for themselves ahead of time about when to pause registrations or recruit more moderators. But that's a pretty complex matter and it will be different for everybody.

However, at the bare minimum, more than one person should have the "keys" to a server, so to speak—even if it is a very small server where admin and moderation work can be done by one person. It's even part of the Mastodon covenant—the standards required for a server to appear in the list at joinmastodon.org. Read more…